What's happening this spring at TRF

Man, what a “spring”, huh? I say that with all the sarcasm you’re certainly reading in that first question. This spring has been trying to say the least. We’re about three weeks behind schedule, but we’re making strides to catch up. Despite the cloudy days and rain getting old, we actually need the rain, so I can’t complain too terribly much.

This past weekend, when we finally saw the sun and nice temps once again, I snuck in a good batch of veggie planting. Our new Paperpot Transplanter (see here if you don’t know what I’m talking about) really came through; I accomplished a day’s worth of planting (requiring 2 people) in just three hours. Talk about a return on investment! In addition to the veggies, a good chunk of flowers were planted this weekend, too. Again, later than I would’ve preferred, but hey… better late than never. We hope to have our first bouquets for sale by June.

With all the seasonal delays, our CSA members have been very patient. We’ve delayed the start a few weeks, and things are looking promising that we’ll be able to make our first deliveries next week. It’s just not our thing to give less than our best, so while the decision to delay wasn’t easy, we know it’s the right one and we think our members will be happy with what they find in their first delivery! If you’re one of our members, thank you for being so understanding and patient with us! (If you want on our Fall CSA waitlist, sign up here)

And finally, we’re looking forward to the beginning of the Mason City Farmers Market beginning Saturdays in June (June 4 is the opening market). We’ll have our variety of goods for sale, and we can’t wait to experience the brand new market with all the positive changes that have been made! Maybe I’m biased, as I am the board president, after all… you’ll have to just come see for yourself!

We hope you’re all enjoying the nicer weather that’s finally sticking around and your spring is off to a good start! We look forward to seeing you all on our CSA and home delivery routes, at the farmers market, and out and about real soon!
